The Winn Dixie Application

What can I say about applying for a job with the Winn Dixie application?  Well some 13 years ago, while I was struggling in my finances, and one job was not cutting it, and my wife was pregnant. I applied online for the Winn Dixie grocery company for a part-time job, what I got was a very pleasant surprise. Searching for a job online or in person can be tough, I know. That is why I am going to facilitate an easy way for you to get hired.  Search for your Winn Dixie job @ Job.Com!

The company listened to my concerns and needs, and once they heard my story they were not only able to offer me a part-time job to help my family and my situation, but they also helped me with my hours to make sure that my primary full-time job was not impacted.  What else do I need to say about the company that made those 2 years very livable for me.  My family will never really realize the full impact that their help had in my life, but I sure did.  I am forever grateful to the Winn Dixie company! Apply online for a job today.

How I obtained the Winn Dixie job?  Well of course I filled out the Winn Dixie job application, no surprise there, but I will share with you what worked for me at that time of need.  My employer at my full time job also knew that I was struggling, since I had approached them about needing more hours, and being rejected.  However my supervisors were real nice, and I asked them for (2) letters of recommendation in order to assist me with my part-time job.  They all helped me, and I ended up with (3) letters of reference. Getting into a job is tough, but there are so many job applications out there and one of these jobs can be yours today.

When my Winn Dixie application and packet was complete, I then turned in the application without the letters of recommendation.  After my initial visit and then the turning in of the application, I came back about three days later and spoke to the same manager that had received my application originally.  At that time, I approached him and told him to please add my (3) letters of recommendation to the application packet.  After reading the letters, he asked my why I was leaving my full time job, since they thought so highly of me there, and that was my golden opportunity to explain that I was needing of a part-time job and gave some insight to my financial woes.  The rest was history as they say, he understood my situation and worked with me for nearly three years, helping me out with my hours and making sure that my hard work for the company was appreciated and respected.  What else can I say about this stand-up company other than, apply!  You won’t regret it.  Search for a Winn Dixie job @ Job.Com!